CloudDrive: all products at a glance

Created for professionals

CloudDrive is the simplest way to share big files online. The cloud eases cooperation within an organisation and with external partners. Your data is hosted in Switzerland and stored in encrypted form.

Quick and easy file sharing

With CloudDrive, connections are SSL-encrypted (Secure Sockets Layer). This security technology makes encrypted data communication suitable for sharing sensitive data. It prevents hackers from reading or modifying your data. MOUNT10 uses this secure connection to transfer your data to the Swiss Fort Knox data centre.


How the cloud works

Using the installation data you receive from MOUNT10, you establish a secure connection to your cloud. The cloud functions like a local folder or drive. The difference here is also a benefit: the cloud is off site, i.e. outside your own network, and accessible at all times. You simply share files and folders through a URL link, making it easier to work with people outside your company.

Find the right product

You can choose between a number of products. Here, you’ll find what best suits your requirements as a company. There are cloud products available for various sizes of company, security requirements and budgets.


From Switzerland and in Switzerland

Your data is stored in Switzerland only: MOUNT10 guarantees this.


Please note

You will receive a personal account that MOUNT10 has set up for you. Only you know the password: our support team has no access to this for security reasons and thus can’t recover it if lost. Therefore, please keep your password safe.


What our customers say about CloudDrive:

The same as we care for the health of our customers, we also care for a solid storage of our data. With MOUNT10 our data stays healthy.

Nina Bütikofer
Head of Information Technology