The golden 3-2-1-1-0 Backup Rule

With the 3-2-1-1-0 backup rule, you cannot prevent an attack, but attacked systems are back online within minutes - and with the latest data.
3-2-1-1-0-Regel_EN_Desktop 3-2-1-1-0-Regel_EN_Mobile

3 – Keep at least 3 copies of your data
Protect your data sufficiently. The chances of something going wrong on 3 devices at the same time is a lot less than two.


2 – Store backups on 2 different media

It is recommended that copies of backed up data be kept on 2 separate types of storage (tape, external hard drive, cloud storage) to minimize the chance of damage from a total failure in the event of an emergency.


1 – Keep at least one backup copy off-site
What if a state of emergency occurs and things you don’t want to imagine happen anyway; water in the data center or fire in your own premises?

This also applies to cloud services. #Microsoft has addressed this in their SLAs: “We recommend that you regularly back up your content and data stored in the Services or store it using third-party apps and services.” (Link: 6. Service Availability)

Supplement your backup plan with a backup solution from an outside company to have peace of mind that no matter what, your data is kept safe and you can access it at any time in case of an emergency.


1 – Create at least one backup copy offline
Keep at least one backup copy of the network and any IT infrastructure. This can be rotating external USB hard drives, analog tapes or storage with immutability feature. Den if a hacker gains access to your data, everything on your network is vulnerable.


0 – Make sure your backups are error-free
In an emergency, faulty backups could cost you your business. Did you know that our support team checks your backup process daily and will contact you immediately if there are any irregularities or if a backup has failed?

Don’t risk your data and complete your backup strategy with the Swiss market leader MOUNT10!

