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Your Data – safe and sound

MOUNT10 is your partner for data and security: long-term data retention, cloud backups, disaster recovery and S3 Object Sharing. Our promise: your data stays in Switzerland. Safe and sound in the most secure data centre in Europe.
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The reliability of their solutions has always impressed us and given us the assurance that our data and that of our customers is protected at all times.

Manuel Würth

News and Events

Here you'll find the latest news about MOUNT10. It's worth stopping by, that way you're guaranteed not to miss any news.
Audi FIS Ski World Cup - Women's Giant Slalom_NEWS
Sunday 01|12|24
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Audi FIS Ski World Cup - Women's Giant Slalom

We are delighted to be a sponsor of the Audi FIS Ski World Cup Women's Giant Slalom on 7 - 8 December 2024!
Mount10 News Curling 2024
Saturday 23|11|24
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Gold for the Swiss Women at the 2024 Curling European Championships

The Le Gruyère AOP European Championships 2024 in Lohja, Finland, are over – and the Swiss women have crowned themselves with the title! With a perfect performance and an undefeated record throughout the tournament, they secured the title and made curling history.
We congratulate all the teams on their incredible performances and are proud to be a sponsor of this year's European Championships. Everyone demonstrated what is possible with teamwork, precision, and passion.
Le Gruyère AOP European Curling Championships 2024_NEWS
Thursday 07|11|24
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Le Gruyère AOP European Curling Championships 2024

From 16 to 23 November 2024, we're wishing "Good luck on the ice!" again in Lohja, Finland! We are keeping our fingers crossed for the Swiss curling team and wish them every success on the ice.